This is hilarious

16 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
2nd Aug 2008 23:561st call-
Lady-Hello McDonalds. How may I help you?
Me-Yeah my sister is getting married and McDonalds is like, her favorite restaurant.
Lady-Uh huh...
Me-So I was wondering if we could have the wedding there.
Lady-You mean in McDonalds?
Me-Why not?
Lady-Because first of all, McDonalds doesn't do weddings. Only birthday parties. And second of all, this is a Wal-Mart McDonalds. We don't do anything like that.
Me-Oh my god! A Wal-Mart McDonalds no way! Can you like, see whats on sale for me?
Me-Awww. Well, can you be a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding?
Lady-Ma'am what exactly do you want? We're very busy today and I can't keep going with this stupid call. I have customers waiting.
Me-And I'm sure they're all 900 pound fatties who are gonna order 1,000 Big Macs.
Lady-Excuse me?
Me-I said my sister wanted a Big Mac wedding cake. You know like Big Mac's stacked on each other in the shape of a wedding cake.
Lady-How wonderful.
Me-Yeah and the main course is like Cheeseburgers and Supersized fries.
2nd Call-
Guy-Hello McDonalds. How may I help you.
Me-Listen, I went to your restaurant today and when I opened my hamburger, there was hair all over it.
Guy-Sorry about that. Would you like a free sandwich?
Me-Free sandwich? What the hell man? I mean, I just nearly vomitted my guts out when I saw that disgusting clump of hair in your no for good, rotten burgers. What makes you think I want another one?
Guy-Well ma'am I'm afraid that's all we can really do.
Me-Can you like, give me money?
Guy-Money? What? No. No we cannot give you money.
Me-Give me money and I won't file a lawsuit against your crappy restaurant.
Guy-Listen you stupid punk, I can hear you laughing in the background. I suggest you hang up the damn phone and NEVER call here again. If you do I'm gonna rip your head off. Got it? *hangsup*
3rd Call-
Lady-Hello this is McDonalds! How may I-
Me-What's your name?
Lady-No. Just-
Me-Oh my god Angie! What are you doing working in McDonalds?! Shouldn't you be like, adopting more babies right now?
Lady-I'm not-
Me-Adopting right now? Then why aren't you taking care of the kids? Your a bad mommy.
Lady-Look lady, I'm NOT Angelina-
Me-So you're Brad?
Me-You don't sound like Brad! Ohmegee! Trans! Trans!