What pet are you?

16 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
7th Aug 2008 06:381. Your owner feels like getting a new limetid edition pet. How do you feel?
A. I dont worry hes probably a wimp.

B. I dont worry and look at the bright side i can be his friend. The more the merrier!

C. I am terribly mad at my owner 9,728 pets is enough!

2. Your owner decides to take you to school you..
A. Think, i have to do well, no worries

B.Stay happy, I am going to learn something new!

C. Stay mad at your owner, he dares to send me to school im already smart!

3. You want to go to slater park there you...
A. Ride Murfin madness its not scary.

B. Help old ladies cross the street.

C. Sit on a bench, you got time out!

4.Your favorite place in Marapets is...
A. Simeria

B. Puchala Village

C. Anywhere as long as its not BORING

5. In your free time you are...
A. Hanging out

B. Helping in boy/girl scouts

C. Punching the clock (killing time).

If you have most As you are a Skater Snookle you are brave loyal and good. You probably will climb a mountain.
If you have most Bs you are a Angel Murfin. You always try to help in every way. You probably will be in war against Eleka.
If you had most Cs you are a Punk Dakota. You are the strong silent type you like to be alone at times. You probably have never cried when you were a baby.