NEW Midi/Song List, Add yours.

16 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
9th Sep 2008 18:44OK I am now making a request for all who want songs for their clubs or marasite (when they get up and running again) What I need is for you to post your request here... in comments (DO NOT MAIL ME ASKING ...I Will only direct you back here)... I WILL add you to the list in here IF I found your song WITH A STAR!!!
If I haven't found your song request, I will post beside your choice - Unobtainable. (it just means where I buy my midi's from ...they are ring tons for cell means I couldn't get it but doens't mean I won't find it later) so PLEASE list the Title of the song and then the name of the artist. I will try to track it down and then add it to the music mainia page so members can use it in their site

thanks and enjoy

thecrazycheese: Mercy by Duffy *
Jordan Sparkz and Chris Brown - No Air (Unobtainable)
& Leona Lewis - Better in time & Bleeding love*
Krols - Damgaed by Danity Kane - Unobtainable..even if you spelled it wrong...still can't get it...sorry.
Disturbia by rihanna
The lions sleeps tonight (The mighty jungle song from lion king) The Tokens (1962)*
(IN the D's)
juliecandy: Jonas Brothers - Unobtainable on ALL aspects sorry I can't get these...
electricshock01: Money, money, money*
ensamble: I'm Yours By Jason Mraz *
angellover: Set fire to the third bar-snow patrol*
billkaulitzfreak: By your side - Toyko Hotel (You spelled it wrong BTW and I Always need an artist name if possible!

Nikarisa: Chris brown - Forever ... Unobtainable but I can get...gimmie that, run it or With You.
disneylandchef: Christina Aguilara - Keeps getting better (Unobtainable)
Metro Station - Shake it(Unobtainable)
Miley Cyrus - Fly on the wall (Unobtainable)
Ting Tings - Shut up and let me go (Unobtainable)
Vanessa Hudgens - Sneakernight (Unobtainable)
Chris Brown - Forever (unobtainable read Nikarisa's above)
(try again, maybe with something more...obtainable and possibly not SOO new, some don't get released for a LONG time) As for halloween music there is some in seasonal look there!
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco*
9 in the Afternoon - P!ATD (Unobtainable)
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy (ALL ready there! << Example, PLEASE check the site BEFORE requesting a song!

Bad Day-Daniel Powter*
Titanic-Celine Deion*
snapple2301: Whatever You Like : T.I. (unobtainable but there are other TI songs in my site check)
Don't Forget - Demi Lovato (Unobtainable *BUT requested)
Party - Demi Lovato (Unobtainable)
Ayer- Flo Rider << is incorrect it's BY Flo Rider and it's called LOW...and it's already in my site.