How NOT to get Banned from Marapet

16 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
19th Oct 2008 01:51I know I'm not a new player but I'm still fuzzy about what can get a person banned from Marapets.
A very close friend of mine has been banned and although we don't know each other in real life, we've been friends on here for almost a year now so I felt really sad that this happened. I just want to avoid that happening..especially b/c I don't have any other ways to contact her outside of Mara. I guess we take it for granted that we'll be playing marapets for always hehehe.
But yes, if anyone have any ideas on what IS AGAINST marapet rule, pls let me know, I'd like to avoid it as much as possible..pls and ty!!
Use the site below as a guide:
I wonder if a player can get unbanned sigh..I miss Kat already