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  1. My Rules!!
    24th Jul 2007 11:07
    17 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
My Rules!!
17 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
24th Jul 2007 11:07

1. Don't beg me for stuff or ask me to buy from your shop.

2. No I don't want to be your Marapal

3. Don't ask me to trade pets or battle. I'm not interested in that.

4. Don't message me and just say "hi" or "whats up" I don't respond to those messages.

5. Don't ask me to join your club unless it has to do with Yu-gi-oh Gx. That's all I'm interested in right now.

goddess of the mo0n
112 years, 9 months & 20 days ago 24th May 2012 18:08
Sorry to bother you, just telling you that your pet Selena has a GREAT name!

I was looking up interesting names and came across Selena.

You have a lovely pet there, cherish it!
That is SO true ;-; I wish I had a pet like that xD I looked up the pet selena becasue it's my name lol. So I ws like's so rare and w/n So
115 years & 22 days ago 21st Feb 2010 06:26
Sorry to bother you, just telling you that your pet Selena has a GREAT name!

I was looking up interesting names and came across Selena.

You have a lovely pet there, cherish it!
115 years, 10 months & 1 day ago 12th May 2009 04:41
  1. My Rules!!
    24th Jul 2007 11:07
    17 years, 7 months & 21 days ago