Youko Kurama

16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
9th Dec 2008 19:26Today, I have managed to make a christmas present for myself, in the form of lovely lil' Kurama!
His name is the same as one of my favored anime characters, whose main weapon is the 'rose whip.' I figured that since my darling Silver fox Kurama had his nose in plants so often, it was only fitting to have my representation of him as an earthfae, with roses in his hair and all. He shall be adored and loved--And I will thank PrinseszKathy for trading me the costume without making me convert my cheesy poera potion into MP first. So many people refuse to trade in anything other than 'pure' MP that it was truly wonderful of her!
Yay for Yu Yu Hakusho, for creating such an interesting character that I still love him, even six years after I orginally saw the silly lil' foxy boy.