Blitzen's Grotto

16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
12th Dec 2008 02:121.Gemini and Doyle Ice Sculpture
3.Blackjack Spikes
4.Neptune #20
5.Abolous Trading Card
6.Burnt Pot and Sliced Crusty Brown Bread
7.Dasher Stamp and Milk Chocolate Addow Tablet
8.Jump #12,Yellow Hammy and Cygnus
9.Sketch Zetlian Plushie
10.Ushunda Helmet
11.Round Clam
12.Flower Sofa and Red Leido Potion
13.Red D Battery
14.Bonus Clothing #20 and Bonus Clothing #13
15.Green Flix,Enchanted Brown Reese Plushie and Enchanted Black Fasoro Plushie
16.Fishing Easter Egg
17.Angel Fasoro Plushie
18.Old Chibs Plushie
19.Ideus Mummy Doll (500k)
20.Romance in Marada
21.Peanuts (499k)
22.Bread and Cream
23.Sketch Ushunda Potion(700k)
24.Simerian Explorer Treasure Map 6(270k)
25.Christmas Ideus Potion(700k)
26.Volcano Treasure Map 6
27.Lightning Stamp (55k)
28.Stamina Booster
29.Brown Goglue(495k)
30.Pearl With a Hat (2mil)7.58pm on 15/1/09
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Blue Viotto Potion and 1,000,000MP!!
Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!