Gourmet Food Tracking!

8 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
25th Jan 2017 10:34Edit: I hit 600..now I'm going to keep going!
I'm buying all the cheap gourmet foods (I've said under 20,000mp for each for the time being, but have added some of the more expensive ones to my wishlist, in case I need to go back and buy them at a later point).
Here's just a little list of the different categories I have brought gourmet foods from so far, so I can remind myself which ones I've gone through and to make sure I don't double buy!:
Halloween Treats: Pages 1-8
Candy: Done

Fruit: Done
Smoothies: Done
Giant Vegetables: Done
Cereal: Done
Fast Food: Done
Gourmet Mutant Food: Done
Giant Fruit: Done
Cooking Ingredients: Done
Frozen Food: Done
Spices: Done
Sugarcubes: Up to orange sugar cube
Minipet food: Done
Canned food: Done
Pizza: Done
Vegetables: Done
Bakery: Done
Meat: Done
Pancakes: Done
Coffee: Done
Sushi: Done (Only two gourmets on this list)
Ice-cream: Up to chocolate chip lolly
Potato Chips - Up to calico
To do:
Halloween Treats
More Ice-cream
...and probably many more, but I don't want to overload myself!
Edit: May 2017 I purchased the missing food gift box with the hopes of completing the full list of prizes!
Page 1- up to Angel Potato Crisps
pwettyboo has currently eaten: 1382 gourmet foods so far!