Animal Crossing Wild World And Lets Go To The City

16 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
28th Dec 2008 10:49I have Animal Crossing for the WII and for the DS.
I worked a LONG time on this blog, so listen carfuly...
If I have talked to you before about visiting my town on WII, scroll down until you see 'SECTION 1' In caps.
If we have talked about you visiting my town on DS, scroll down until you see 'SECTION 2' in caps.
If you are a random person wanting help with animal crossing WII or DS, scroll down until you see 'SECTION 3' In caps.
Maramail me for information, if maramails are down or if I am offline go to my website about Animal crossing. [Link Coming Soon]
DS, aye? Maramail me for more information but if maramails are down or if i am offline post a topic on my website! [Link coming Soon]
This section is going to be edited with more information, but for now just post on my website! [Link Coming Soon]