
16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
1st Jan 2009 22:18If you're new here this guide might help.
Marapets Guide.
Hi. I'm Angel.
First of all, you need to read the rules. I know, it may be looong and boring, but you need to know what you can and can't do. You'd rather read rules then get banned right? Read them here:
Ok so now you know the rules (hopefully). Now do you want to know how to care for your pet? Well I guess I should tell you. If you look here, , you'll see I've circled the statistics of my pet. Here is how to treat each problem that may come up:
Happiness: If your pet's happiness is below 100%, give your pet toys such as, balloons or wind ups, until it goes up to 100% and is coloured green.
Tiredness: I wouldn't worry about tiredness, for it seems pets never get tired.
Health: Feed your pet food such as, cake or biscuits, until your pet's health is 100% and coloured green.
Now, there are certain sicknesses that may come up. You may treat them at the hospital:
But that costs 2,500mp everytime. Here is how to treat each sickness maybe for less or more then the hospital:
Toothache: Use a toothbrush.
Sore throat: Citrus mug.
Headache: Pills.
Common cold: Box of tissues.
Scratch: Plaster.
So now you know about how to care for your pet. Now I think you should know how to get mp, marapoints, bp, baspinar points, rp, restock points and Dukka coins.
Apart from the 2,00mp you start with, here are a few examples to get mp:
1) Play games.
2) Sell items.
3) Doing quests.
Now. To play games, you click 'Games' on the tree to the left of the screen. Then you click the category then game of your choice. If you don't know which category to choose, you can just scroll down further and it will list the games.
Now, doing quests. You need a little bit of money to do quests. I will list the quests you can do. The first kind of quests you have to buy some things and give them to a person or the person who told you to do the quest.
1) - Elger
2) - Snowman
3) - Garage
4) - Farm
5) - Explorer
6) - Secret Santa
7) - Computer Repair
8) - Candy Tree
9) - Santa Claws
10) - Knutt Knight
11) - Leprechaun
Now here are the complicated quests where you have to give them certain types of items and they reward you. But there are 30 levels, and each level up means more expensive items but better rewards. But if you fail, you have to start at level one again.
1) - Trunx - CD's.
2) - Tarquin - Books.
3) - Blitzen - Different.
4) - Trotter - DVD's.
5) - Troll - Musical Instruments.
Now. Do you want to know how to get Bp? I'll tell you. Bp is only used at Baspinar's castle. Here are a couple of ways to get BP:
1) Tombola
2) Sword in the Stone
To use the tombola, go there: , and click 'Take a Ticket' and scroll down to see if you won an item. If you didn't, you won a small amount of bp. You can play the tombola every 8 hours.
You have to pay 25bp to use the sword i the stone, and I'm not sure whether the jackpot is bp or mp. But whne you win it you'll find out =]
Now do you want to know how to get rp? Rp is used only in Eleka's Castle. Here is a few ways to get rp:
1) Sell items in your shop.
2) Tombola
3) Feeding Minipets.
To feed minipets, you go to Eleka's castle and go to Eleka Prison:
But you must have minipet food before you can feed minipets. You can buy minipet food at the shop in minipet island:
Or you can buy it from user shops. Minipet food is can of things. Eg, can of fish eyes, can of chicken wings. Once you have some minipet food, you can go to Eleka prison and scroll down to see if any minipets want the food you have. If not, you can come back later. If so, click that minipet to feed it. You will be rewarded.
No Dukka coins. Dukka coins are the currency of Dukka town, Dukka caves, and the Pirate ship. To get Dukka coins, you mut either:
1) Buy them from user shops
2) Win them.
If you go to the Dukka slots:
you can win them. Or, if you dig at the archeology dig(scroll down for link)you can also find them there.
Do you want to know how to get items? Well, there is such thing as dailies. You can do them everyday, or some, every 24 hours. You can get money and/or items from them. Here is a list:
1) - Pot of gold. Wait 1 minute after collecting to get another item.
2) - Christmas tree. Use everyday day.
3) - Statue. Use every 8 hours.
4) - Archeology dig. Use every 24 hours.
5) - One in a Million game. Use every 90 minutes.
6) - Clothing Rack. Use every day.
7) - Gumball Machine. Use every hour.
8) - Plushie Machine. Use every 15 minutes.
That isn't all, but you can find the rest. I must warn you about Eleka's fountain tho:
You can use it every 5 hours. Your pet can either gain a magic stat or get sick from it.
If you need some more help, maramail me. Click on my name and then click the envelope. Be sure to type in a topic.