Love <3

16 years, 1 month & 7 days ago
4th Feb 2009 15:14This is my Love blog! Post 'I love you!' in it even if you don't love me! This is for my club Valentines Quest! Yay quest! Here are my accomplishment things (meaning what I finished!

[x] Level 1. Start a blog entitled 'Love'.
[x] Level 2. Purchase Chocolate Hearts from the chocolate shop and display in your gallery.
[x] Level 3. Have 3 club members to sign 'I love you!' in your 'Love' blog.
[x] Level 4. Add any Rose to the club auction.
[x] Level 5. Dye your characters hair Hot Pink.
[x] Level 6. Show how much you love the club by donating 5k mp or more.
[x] Level 7. Give one of your pets Love Marapop and display the empty can in your gallery.
[x] Level 8. Have a Glowing Love Egg in your nest and hatch it.
[x] Level 9. Display a Can of Roses in your Gallery.
[] Level 10. Have 10 people sign 'I love you' in your 'Love' blog. These people can be club members or not.