1 Go to google. 2 Type in asdfjkl; 3 Click on the first result 4 Read the website if you wish. 5 Send a message. 6 There will be a message to you on the next page. 7 Click on the link on that page. 8 Create a user there. 9 Anyone who answers something with Zebras involved is probably me.
Hey Evah I sent you a 'Love Dress,' I hope you got it. Just wanted to give you my fairwell. Take care.
115 years, 7 months & 20 days ago 24th Jul 2009 13:54
Hey Evah~
I haven't chatted with you forever!! I miss you!! I'm going off to college pretty soon, I hope you get on before then...
We should pull an all nighter one of these days, just like the good old days. Oh, all the stuff we would talk about. All the randomness! Oh and when we played truth or dare that one night, yeah I wasn't so good at that but I made you laugh! Hahaha
Hope everything is GREAT!!
115 years, 8 months & 5 days ago 8th Jul 2009 20:52
No, I wasn't going to stalk you, pure curiosity!
115 years, 11 months & 27 days ago 16th Mar 2009 20:29
I went there, its amusing.
Hai Mink!
115 years, 11 months & 27 days ago 16th Mar 2009 20:28
I should try to stalk you Evah one of these days.
Hey Ping! Evah is really random I must stay hahaha
116 years ago 15th Mar 2009 16:51
Incredibly random.
You wrote on my 'I am' blog.
The answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.