Role Plays

16 years & 13 days ago
28th Feb 2009 20:10I prefer paragraph intros, unless a list intro only contains basic information such as age, name, powers(if any), personality, ect. If you decide to use a list intro please back it up with a paragraph describing either the appearnce of your chacater, setting, or anytihng else worth writing a paragraph about.
If you do a 1x1 with me, you must understand that at times I will log off with out a warning, although I try not to do that. Also I make alot of spelling mistakes at times such as spelling to ot or and nad.I have been improving at my typos though

I dislike one liners very much or sentences such as 'he sat there then....'. Writers block is acceptable though.If you wish to discontinue a role play please say so, and don't just ignore me.
*means I'll only do with a plot. I'll combine any themes together(Gifted and horror or sometihng like that).
teen problems (pre-teen peer pressure, gang violence, disorders, familt trouble, etc)
*ghost or haunted
(I have never done one, but I am willing to try)
Hmm..I can't think of any more but I'll be sure to add more to the list if I remember any.
Will NOT do
anything based on a tv show or book YES IT INCLUDES ANIME(Although I don't mind Role playing into the same plot, just not the same characters)
If a certain theme isn't listed just ask. Also I don't bite so feel free to mail me anytime