Tutorial for you.

17 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
2nd Aug 2007 20:47Tutorial for Marauploads
~By Becca
Hello there and welcome. Obviously if you are reading this, you are having
trouble with marauploads. Even at the beginning I found it a bit difficult
to grasp, so here you have it!
First step; saving the image.
I'm not going to go into depth about making an image, for that is not what
this tutorial is about. But I can tell you about saving it.
You can not take URL's (addresses from different sites- Ex.
www.Thisisasite.com) and simply use those; the image must be saved on your
computer. You can use several programs for making an image, the more
commonly used ones are; Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Coral painter, etc. However,
keep in mind marauploads only accepts certain files. When you go to save an
image, you will see at the bottom two selections. One is 'file name', and
the other is 'save as type'. Here is a list of some of the files that
marauploads will accept-
(** A side note about naming your image. It will not upload if there are
spaces in it.)
Second step; uploading the image.
Now that your image is saved, we can 'upload' it. First off, go to
marauploads.com, (obviously) then, once you've logged in, you'll see three
blank bars with the words 'browse' next to them. Click on browse, then find
your image and double click on it, your image /most likely/ will be under
'my pictures'.
You can browse for, and upload more then one image at a time; hence why
there are three bars.
Once uploaded, you'll see your image appear in as much smaller below, along
with information concerning how much space it uses up, and the option to
delete it.
Third step; using the uploaded image.
So, you've managed to make and upload an image, but now you want to use it!
There are several placed you can use your image; you could put it in your
signature so it will show up whenever you post in forums, or put it up on
your profile for all to see! Or, you could use it on your marasite. Now keep
in mind, the image has to be uploaded through marauploads, marapets won't
accept any other sites. (Such as imageshack and photobucket.)
So, first off, you're going to need the URL of the image. Click the title of
the image, which should be directly next to the small icon of the image
you've uploaded. It will bring you to a blank page, with your image up in
the left corner. Then, you have to copy the address. Go to where you want to
add the image- (Your profile, your signature, etc.etc.) then right click,
and paste. After you've pasted it, add the tags [img]YOURADDRESSGOESHERE
[/img] and your done!

So that's it folks! There you have it, the basics of uploading an image on
If you have any further questions, contact me on marapets (Username:
Beccadoodle) Or at Becca-doodle@hotmail.com