I go by Pink and I'm an adult player on Mara and live in Texas. [br] I collect pearls,costumes and of course anything pink!! [br] Update: I own both of my dream pets now! My mordo and snookle, they are soo cute. Will never let them go!!
My family uses my laptop when they come over...cocobean2007, shellovesmike.
I would really love a snookle. Only problem is I need a potion lol, since I already have the limit of pets. So a Pixie Snookle Potion is my dream!!
Reasons why I should get one, well I am obsessed with Marapets so it will definitely get spoiled! I take care of all my pets and try to put them in different costumes often. I keep all of them healthy and happy. I am active member and friendly to everyone.
The reason I love snookles, and you will laugh, their eyes. They stand out and its cute on their little face. People say when they meet me, my eyes are the first thing they see, since they are kinda big lol. Its true. So my reason is pretty simple, but honest.
But I know this pet is really expensive so I understand
Thanks! Myrabi
my fav coloer is blue its the best coloer ever
115 years & 14 days ago 27th Feb 2010 16:06
im soo happy for u pink!!!! :]..that was a really nice thing to do shell!
115 years, 10 months & 17 days ago 24th Apr 2009 20:51
Thank you soo much!! I owe you big time!!
115 years, 11 months & 21 days ago 20th Mar 2009 21:29
Wish Granted,, Enjoy your new pet,, I even sent ya a extra pet giftbox,, so you dont have to use it on one you already have,,,,
115 years, 11 months & 21 days ago 20th Mar 2009 21:08