In memory of Hannah

15 years, 11 months & 15 days ago
26th Mar 2009 19:34Hannah was my rottweiler and she was the nicest, sweetest, cutest dog in the world. Everybody enjoyed her company and we always sat on the couch with her and snuggled with her and my other dogs when our favorite shows were on. Me and my siblings were noticing that Hannah was getting old, what we didn't know is that she wouldn't survive through Thanksgiving. We came home from school and my mom told us that Hanna had passed away at the veterinarians. The younger ones, my little sisters, did not get what was going on. They went looking for her and an hour later they finally understood. We made a memoir of Hannah in our living room.
I want to get two black Rusty's in memory of Hannah, and my still aging dog Princess, who is now 18 and is growing weaker. Thank you for reading this and I hope you help me on my Quest to get 2 black rusties
Xelema = Princess
Serenitiez = Hannah