Nannyies favourite girl.

15 years, 11 months & 17 days ago
28th Mar 2009 13:50My Nanny died when I was was very young filling my life with tears i really do miss her oh how much fun we had having walks beside the rivers feeding bread to the ducks she pushed me on the swings as i'm shouting 'higher higher' we loved each other very much doing things together. then one day i went to her house jumping right beside her but just then i looked in her bed and Nanny was not there i searched all over the house running up and down then my Mother run hugging me so tight she strapped me in my car seat tears running from her eyes we ended up in the hospital my body filled with fright i said mummy what is happening she left me in a room i felt really sceared well i just kep on walking and then i seen my Nan i ran out to my mother tell me mum what is happening she stared at me blankley she's she's..... I'm sorry i can't say the word please give me hope to feel much much better.