Those that I love

15 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
31st Mar 2009 14:45Whywhywhy- Just like Bukowski. An ass, but a pretty good read. I love you, Bast. Don't be leaving me, you Gaga-loving nerd. :]
Mujyn- Oye, It's been a while, but I'll forever love you.
Lemartes- My newly found friend it seems. You're a really nice person, and I hope I don't end up ticking you off to bad. : D
Shosho- I swear, one of the nicest people on Mara. I love you, and forever will. <3

What can I say? You're the best and you'll be that way forever. <33 Ilysm.
Ethyne- For making me her wonderful Slave-cretary. : D
Martin- You're a sweetie. :]
haha2721- I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuh you my bestest buddy everrrr. <33
Mizzy- You're such a sweetheart, and an amazing person, love you. :]<3333
Kodii- My funny as hell bad ass friend, but you're also insanely nice, keep on keepin' on.

Vinnie- It's been over a year since I've heard from you, and I miss you. But you were amazing to me when we were talking, and I miss having you to talk to. Love you, Vinnie.