Accomplishments I have made

17 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
7th May 2007 10:36Awarded Most helpful award and best marasite on August 28th 2006,
Silver Trophy Goal 7th May, 2007
Saved in bank
1 Mill [X] Nov 7th, 2005
5 Mill [X] Dec 10th 2006
10 Mill [X]Feb 4th 2007
15 Mill [X]March 9th 2007
20 Mill [X]March 20th 2007
25+ Million [X] *and raising
April 10th 2007.
Own TWO top 25 strongest pets as listed in indygo's marasite
Two PETS with
ALL possible buyable Books & All CD's
(*this doesn't include the punchalla village book which is only able to be obtained through refferals*)
1 pet with ALL Instruments
1 pet with ALL DVD's
To get an LE pet
(I actually Did it twice and then changed Rags back to a fassie and then back to a quell again after zapping her in the portal a few times LOL
