
15 years, 10 months & 29 days ago
12th Apr 2009 22:14January: I slept with
February: I hung out with
March: I ate
April: I danced with
May: I spat on
June: I rode on
July: I kissed
August: I laughed at
September: I sang with
October: Ran naked with
November: I slapped/punched
December: I made out with
1: a voodoo doll
2: a sandwich
3: the cookie monster
4: a donkey
5: Paris Hilton
6: a tely tubby
7: a hobo
8: my principle
9: my crush
10: an easter egg
11: My granny
12: a mop
13: a tree
14: a tim tam
15: Britney Spears
16: a psycho
17: a toilet
18: barney
19: a bowl of cereal
20: a gangsta
21: a beer
22: my ex boyfriend/girlfriend
23: a doorknob
24: a balloon
25: a frog
26: a Report me I am Spammingtail
27: a can
28: a spaceship
29: a camel
30: a paintbrush
31: a cow
And your favourite colour or colour top you are wearing...
Purple: cause i vil rule ze vorld!
Pink: cause i'm a barbie
Black: cause my life sucks
Yellow: cause i'm a happy chappy
Red: cause they were giving away freebies!
Blue: cause he/she/it was HAWT
Grey: cause teddies will take over the world.
White: cause i have a noodle in my nose
Orange: cause i am a little mad in the head 0_o
Brown: cause i smell
Gold: cause i drink too much milk
Silver: cause i laugh too much
None: cause i have a killer six pack
Other: cause i'm too sexy for my shirt