it's getting hot in here, so hawt!

15 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
25th Apr 2009 22:53I'm wearing this grey long sleeved shirt. And it's so hawt !!.
Literally. I'm sweating. Why don't I just open the air conditioner?
Oh. That's right. I'm lazy (:
UGH! I can't take it anymore! It's as if all the food I ate are going to the left side of my ribs and veins. I need a CPR.
Fine. I'll open it now. -.-
I looked at my mirror.
My hair's a mess and I'm ugly.
I wonder when will I post my picture here??
Maybe in a week or so?
DUnno. Dun't care.
I was in my club chat last night.
They were really interesting to talk to.
Maybe because they're adults??
I don't normally talk about books and opinions with my classmates or batch mates.
They're like kids.
I think I'm pretty mature for my age.
I think more different about things than my other classmates.
Or maybe they're just really immature.
I know a guy though. He was once my classmate. His name is Jeremiah Victor Gabriel Morano. xD What a long name.
I think his mother was shouting out the names from the Bible while giving birth to him.
That's funny.
We call him Jervi.
I like him. No, not LIKE HIM. I just respect him.
He has a good way of thinking unlike other guys in my school.
He's kind, a gentleman and funny. And he thinks of reasons before he judges first. He's slightly religious. And.. a trouble maker.

What now?
I guess I can make a blog about myself?
Hm. That WOULD be the right thing to do (:
Fiiiiine. I will I will. -.-