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  1. Apps for MP,BP,AND RP
    26th Mar 2012 17:31
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. Apps for EliannaRose
    26th Mar 2012 17:15
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  3. Apps for Miekla
    26th Mar 2012 16:57
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  4. Apps for Carlieta
    26th Mar 2012 16:36
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  5. Blog #316242
    7th Sep 2010 09:03
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  6. Blog #316241
    7th Sep 2010 09:03
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  7. 38 things girls dont Realize!
    3rd Sep 2010 06:58
    14 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
  8. CLUB IDEAS!!!!
    11th Aug 2010 07:52
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  9. Only forme!!!
    24th Jun 2010 08:56
    14 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  10. this is good
    25th Apr 2010 05:12
    14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
giveaway apps
15 years, 10 months & 20 days ago
28th Apr 2009 03:57


hi my name is momo and i love marapets. i am apping for Marnix(duh). i have got one of my dream pets and that was a love lati now im trying to get another lati or a ercuw.

if i got Marnix the first thing i would do is heal his sore throat. then i would introduce him to all my pets and have him make friends.

after that is done i would stat him up and get him a job. if i got Marnix i WOULD trade him. i hope you do not care that i would trade him. if i got Marnix i would NEVER portal him though and thats about all i would do ok ill do one more thing here is a cinquain about Marnix.

Marnix is really nice

well thats my cinquain good luck everyone


hi my name is momo and i was like WOW when i saw this topic. i thought it was probally a fake but i came here then i read your first post and relized it wasnt a fake giveaway. so now i am apping for EbilBunneh.

i have been on mara for 2 years and its really fun. i have a sister that has a mara account to her name is collie22395 she is apping for EbilBunneh too. but enough about me lets talk about why i deserve EbilBunneh.

i think i deserve EbilBunneh because well i dont think i deserve him more then anyone else but i would like you to know i am a very active player and a responsible pet owner.

i would also like you to know that i do NOT feed my pets. i am sorry if that offends you. the only reason why i dont feed them is because i dont have enough money for food. if i win like 5 million then ill feed them ok.

i would also like you to know i do NOT portal my pets. well that statement isnt entirely true this one is i do NOT portal my les but i do portal my non-les. whoever portals les either must have alot of them or doesnt care.

my dream pet was a love lati and i got one by trading all of my les for one. that day i got her i was so happy when the guy accpeted. now i am trying to get another lati but this time better named.

if i got EbilBunneh i would trade him. i am sorry if you dont like people to trade pets they win from giveaways. if i got EbilBunneh i would try to trade him for latis.

if i got EbilBunneh i would stat him up and get him a job too. then i would get him a minipet that is really cute. that is my app good luck everyone.biggrin.gif

i dont know if we have to write apps but i willok.

hi my name is maureen but my friends call me mo or momo(you can call me that too). i have already acheived my first dream pet a love lati now im trying to get a ecuw so i was like WOW when i saw this giveaway. the only thing bad is i dont like her name but that doesnt matter.

here is a few facts and info about me. well i love mara. i think im a little addicted. i will never quit mara. my first dream pet was a love lati now im trying to get an ercuw. im an active player and well thats about it and if you want to know even more about me just go to my profile.

if i got StarzVortex i would love her like all my pets. but like all my pets i wouldnt feed her. but if i got her i would NEVER portal her and i probally would never trade her but i might if i get an awesome offer. if i got her i would probally rename her because i hate her name but i love her cossie.

another thing i woulddo if i got her would be i would stat her. after i finished statting her i would get her a job. and i wouldnt change the cossie because i love it well thats about it good luck everyone.

hi my nasme is momo thats what i want to be called wait do i know you oh hi lexi. i traded with you remember that chibs for the 2 latis i love them thanks and now im entering for you r nino wow. youre a nice person.

if i got GaGaGremlin i would love him.but i would never feed him. sorry food costs money and thats hard to get. i would also NEVER portal him. i would also maybe trade him.

if i got GaGaGremlin i would totally try to change his name i hate it but i love him. then i would try to stat him up and get him a job. good luck everyone.biggrin.gif

hi my name is momo and i a have been on mara for 2 years. i think it is really fun.when i saw this giveaway i was like WOW i have never seen a lati giveaway so i am so happy because i love latis.

i am 11 and i have a sister who plays on here to her username is collie22395 she has a little better pets then me so i have been trying so hard to get better pets then her.

i also love to play a ton of sports. i like soccer basketball and many others but im getting off subject i need you to here what i would do if i got Sufilling.

if i got Sufilling i would first faint but before i say anything else i want you to know that i think its so nice that youre giving some of your les away its just so great.

after i fainted i would stat her up and he would be the pet i NEVER traded because i love latis they are just so cute and my goal on mara is to have only latis. after i statted him i would get him a job because that would bring up his price.

after i did all of that i would marvel at how great he is in his awesomeness. wouldnt you. well here is a story about him and me.

once i was walking with my pets. they were all walking behind me and sheithead and i were throwing things to eachother. after a few minutes of walking we saw a lost maraoet. it was a valentine lati. he seemed so sad and unfed so i took him into my house to feed him and give him a place to stay.

so i took him into my house and gave him 2 bowls of food.he ate all of that in like a minute and he almost finshed that. i think he hadnt been fed in a while so i just laid down the food bag so he could eat as much as he wanted.

then i tried to fix him up a bed. sheithead asked me if it could be next to his and i said ok. i came up with a nice red little bed and i think he liked it because he slepted like a rock.

over night i thought about what i shout call him. i finally came up with the name Sufilling and i thought that would work.once he woke up i asked him if he liked that name and he said yes so thats what i started calling him. i told myself i would let him go today but i couldnt so i asked him if he wanted to be one of my marapets and he said yes so i took him to the docters to make sure he was healthy. the docter said he was as healthy as a lion so he was happy.

then i took him to the park to play with sheithead and me and right then and there he and sheithead became bectfriends and had a wonderful life of friendship together.

well thats my app good luclk everyone.

Hi..I'm Momo and as you can see I'm applying for Discord. After I looked up literate,able to read and write,(I never knew that) I figured I should start my app.


Chapter 1-Me,Myself, and I
Chapter 2-Why I want Discord
Chapter 3-What I plan to do with Discord
Chapter 4-Poem
Chapter 5-Ending

Me,Myself, and I
I have been on marapets for over 3 years.I have acheived getting my dream pet.I am staff in a great club. My favorite color is blue and I love all animals.

Why I want Cordy(Short for Discord)
I want Cordy because she has such a cute name and she is the awesomest Arinya ever.She also has some stats which is really good since I'm trying to get a battle Pet.

What I plan to do with Cordy
I plan to stat her up and make her my battle pet.I also plan to change her costume to something more lively and happy.I dont resally want to change anything el;se because she's perfect the way she is.I would never portal her, but I might trade her if I got anawesome offer that I couldnt refuse.

Cordy oh Cordy
How I love thee
From the mountains
to the bowling pins
My love streches
and Catches
I wish to have thee
I also wish to see
I want to have
Everthing I cant Clav(I know its not a real word)

Thanks for giving me and everyone this amazing oppurtunity.Its really generous of you.Good luck to everyone and good luck to you for finding the right owner for Cordy.

P.S.I <3 her.

114 years, 9 months & 29 days ago 21st May 2010 16:46
Hi.My name is Momo and I can't believe your giving away your beutiful Sirkowskii, Kows for short.

About me
I have been on Mara for 3 years. I love it.My dream pet is a Lati. I'm never going to quit.

I really want to win Kows because she is an amazing pet. I would never portal her and most likely not trade her. The main reason why I like her is becxause she is the cuttest thing Ive ever seen. Seriously how can you get cuter then that.

If I won Kows I would probably...well give her some learnies because that would make her an even better pet then she is now.I would also give her some stats so she can be a strong pet and get a job.

Why I deserve Kows
I deserve Kows because I am an experienced,caring,loyal member.I also would never let Kows starve and if she got a headache or something I would take her to the doctors to cure it.

Kows is very cute
Even though she doesnt have loot
I hope she is loving
And does not satart shoving
Thank you alot
I will never boil you in a pot

Here is my graphic
Thanks for giving me a chance to win Kows.

I know this app is short but its only because I know you will be reading a lot and I dont want to inconvenience you.Its not because I dont care about Kows because I really do.
114 years, 11 months & 12 days ago 6th Apr 2010 10:21
Warning this app may be:long, tiring, boring, tiresome, and many more things.So if you can't read one thing for a long time stop reading...NOW

Hi.My name is Momo.My dream pets are any types of Latis. In the reall world I love bunnies so I guess you can see why I like Latis soooooo much.

Backround Info
I have been on mara for 3 years.I love it.My dream pet is any type of Lati.I already have 2 Latis and even though I love them I really want one that is well named.My favorite pet so far that I own is EliannaRose.

Do you know me
I think we might have met once or twice and the conversation probably went like this.
You:Trading all
Me:No problem

Things I like
I like the color blue,friends,and lots more,but I dont like mara......I LOVE it.

Why I Deserve the 3 MILLION MP
I deserve the 3 million mp because I am an experienced player.I am caring,responsible and I never give up.Some people might quit triing to get their dream pets because its too hard but I wont and I will try until I get a Lati potion.

Why I want this
Well I guess you can tell why I want this money, but say you can't it's because I want to buy a Lati potion.

What I will do with it if I win
Well duh I will buy a Lati potion.I think thats all I need to say on this topic.

You are so nice
You are so nice to be giving this money away and just so you know this and everyone else who looks on my profile will know this.I will make a blog for you if I win and everyone will always think of you as "Wow shs nice".

Thanks You
Thanks alot for giving me and all of these people a chance to win your 3 million mp.I know how hard it must have been to get all that money and you must have worked for it so that makes you even nicer then before.Thank you for doing this to help someone DPF.

I know everyone does acrostic poems and stuff but I'm sory because I'm not artistic so I will do something different.

You are giving money
To a certain sonny
I hope it will be me
Lets all wait and see

I woulds also make a story but......What the heck I will.

114 years, 11 months & 15 days ago 3rd Apr 2010 12:17

second page

third page

4 page

5 page
115 years, 8 months & 7 days ago 11th Jul 2009 12:27
115 years, 8 months & 29 days ago 19th Jun 2009 04:18
momo122597 name is momo. i have been playing on mara for 2 years and like a half. it is so fun.(well, why wouldnt it be). if you dont like it ill bite your ear off. just kidding but seriosly you have to like mara.

well my dream pet on mara was a lati and now i either want another lati for my dream pet or a vortex ercuw. they are both so cool because latis are cute and ive always loved ercuws.

i think its really nice youre giving away 1 million mp to someones dpf. i would love if you chose me, but you dont have to its your choice.

well if i got the 1 million, then id only have to save up like 2.5 more bcause theyre 4million right. well if i got the lati potion it might be less because its in AUs but you dont know.

if i got him/her(well ill just say her because i love girl latis and so you knoiw i think i would try to save for the lati ill start over this paragraphg ok). if i got her i would l earnie her to 100 in everything and i would try to get the pet named Elianna or the pet named Rose because then i would have a lati named Rose, Elianna and EliannaRose. wouldnt that be cool.

well thats about it ok. good luck in choosing the winner.
115 years, 8 months & 29 days ago 19th Jun 2009 04:17
hi my name is momo.i really hope we can reserve if we cant i m sorry im writing before i see if we can so thanks and please dont diqualify me because i reserved.i have been on mnara for 2 years and still running. i love ercuws. that is my econd dream pet.well a vortex ercuw was my second dream pet but i love Nefaris.
IF I GOT Nefaris i would love her.i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love lovve love love love love love love love her i just wrote alot of loves and i didnt vcopy AND paste oi wrote out every one of thos3e loves.
if i also got her i would stat her and trade her after like 2 years for a very well learnied vortex ercuw. i would love thT to happen.i dont want to make this to long so ill tell ou i would never portal her but might trade her thats it good bye and good luck.
115 years, 9 months & 14 days ago 4th Jun 2009 17:40

hi my name is momo. i have been on mara for 2 years and im never going to quit. i love mara. i think im going to give this an index so you know what im talking about because im going to try to make this long.


i have been on mara for 2 years. i love it(who doesnt).my dream pet s a lati.i have acheived my dream pet now im trying to get a vortex ercuw.i like to play a lot of sports. i love all les. i think CHIBS are the best.well tats enough about me.


dont quit. i dont know you but dont quit please. i think at least you should leave some of your things on your account so then if you want to go on later then you still have some of your stuff.i know i dont know you at all i still dont want you to quit.


I think i deserve Cocorella just as much as anyone else.but i know something no one else will do. i would always love her because she is so cute. i will talk more about her on my Cocorella thingy.

i think she is so cute.if i got her i would change her cossie.i think the slime makes her look a little gross so i would change her cossie to something nice like chocalate or something. i also love her stats.

if i got her i would stat her a ton.i would also change her cossie like i said before. the only thing i would trade her for would be like a total over-offer.but i probally wont trade her for a while if i got her.

i love her makes me think about hot if i got her would changhe her cossie to chocoalte because theres chocolate in coco.


well thats about last thing if i got her i would totally love her.


115 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 23rd May 2009 17:27

hi my name is momo.i love mara and ive been on it for 2 years and still going.i dont think ill ever quit. my dream pet is a lati and i acheived it.

iin iuhgiugg fuuf uvifyoiuogyitgukTake Me Theruei hohihnhyiluhgbugljfhgihjtg tgrbyb hglkntlgnhj vhnb mrsh;gbjh nghkjbnhtr bjngbn

did you find it

if i got Zelarya i would first admire how purdy she was. then i would introduce her to all my pets. then i would stat her up some more.

im not going to lie i would trade her but it would be like a year until i traded her. i would love her mostly because i love enphian pets they look like little rocketships.i have one so far(hoping to make that 2) and i love her.

well thats about it good luck everyone
115 years & 10 months ago 18th May 2009 14:32


i would do both but i dont know how to make a siggie and i dont think my computer can do it but here is a poem

MR.RUSTER is a geek
he never needs to seek
help with his homework
but he think someone is there to lurk
behind the wall
or in the stall
but i dont care
even if he starts to stare
his mean old glare
because i love him
even though his name isnt tim

thats my poem good luck everyone
115 years, 10 months & 18 days ago 29th Apr 2009 17:46
  1. Apps for MP,BP,AND RP
    26th Mar 2012 17:31
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  2. Apps for EliannaRose
    26th Mar 2012 17:15
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  3. Apps for Miekla
    26th Mar 2012 16:57
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  4. Apps for Carlieta
    26th Mar 2012 16:36
    12 years, 11 months & 22 days ago
  5. Blog #316242
    7th Sep 2010 09:03
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  6. Blog #316241
    7th Sep 2010 09:03
    14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
  7. 38 things girls dont Realize!
    3rd Sep 2010 06:58
    14 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
  8. CLUB IDEAS!!!!
    11th Aug 2010 07:52
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  9. Only forme!!!
    24th Jun 2010 08:56
    14 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  10. this is good
    25th Apr 2010 05:12
    14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago