Loyalty Awards - updated 9nov09

15 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
27th May 2009 15:45Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 27 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Spaghetti Pizza!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 26 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Poisonous Dagger!
Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 25 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 20,000BP!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 2 Years Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you White Blood!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 23 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Poisonous Gauntlet!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 21 Months Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you a Book of Loyalty!
darn it all I accidentally deleted the blog where I had my loyalty rewards listed