15 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
29th May 2009 17:04*Sambo*
wow girl yourr great. i miss you bunches and this summer is going to be greatt. im excited to be around someone who is almost exactly like me, for a change. your the only one who 100% gets me...well besides morgan but w/e..i love you girl!
*Brandi Sue #22*
your one of my closest friends. theres never any drama between us && thats awesome! but we have had ups && downs between us b/c of Tev. but hopefully that wont be a problem with you and me next year. hopefully we can still be as close as we are...i dont want to drift away from you. even when im annoyed...i love it when you tell me everything! b/c i feel like i actually matter to someone! so stay close to me please and keep telling me stuff =]=]
*Dana Marie*
we've been best friends since 3rd grade! wow thats forever! i can hardly believe it. im so happy that we still talk and satyed in saved my life. weather you know it or not you did...alot of people dont know why i am the way i am but you do! truely saved me from a life of hell....and weather or not you know that, it means the world to me that someone could care so much. we have been through everything together. i love you!
girl we have gotten so much closer this year. last year you were so annoying and i HATED you! but i lubb you this year.. we are so much closer and i can actually talk to you about things! im so happy i can b/c its always good to have friends that you can tell stuff to.. thanks dude =]=]