My poem-Losing Aly

15 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
9th Jun 2009 13:09Her name brings me tears
And my heart snaps in two
When I think of her smile
I remember you-know-who
As legend has said
There are a vast many parts
To the equation of life
And there are many red marks
Never did she pout or cry
Her eyes were always bright
She could always find her way
In the darkest of the night
Then came the day
God said had to end
This lovely girl's life
My own, I would lend
There was a scream and a shot
Coming straight from a gun
And in a drunken man's hand
A child's life, now for the run
Blood seeped from her neck
As she lay there a-dying
The drunken man laughing
The body a-lying
The car drives away
Not offering a path
An innocent little girl
Now seeking God's wrath
The service for her
Came way too fast
As does life
Death comes at last
Note: Not a real event in my life!