gentle. (a poem by me.)

15 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
10th Jun 2009 16:41Soft.Soft blue waters surround you.As you look out into the beyond and just imagine everything you can.Thinking.Gentle. Gentle crystals of pure sand cover your feat.You daze at the water and You look out to the horrizon and breathe silent.imagining what can happen in your life that can make you go to hell.stealing,killing,robbing,any thing can happen.seacret.your life is seacretive.knowone surrounds you because you are at your own sound-making soul.Your eyes wander off and you doze just looking and seeing the future,how clean the earth should be. the future is here.under your feet is your future, your life knowone knows about, a place knowones ever seen.clear water.crystal clear water under your toes just waving back and fourth.before there is sacred silence again.