Ublish's Lair Mission

15 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
14th Jun 2009 05:20Ublish's Lair Stars
Completed a 2nd time on November 22, 2009 had to buy Virgo 1 time - received Witch Huthiq Potion and 500,000MP!!
Started June 16th
Level 1 - Coma Berenices - $99 - received dehydrated water
Level 2 - Coma Berenices - $99 - received $100
level 3 - Gemini - $930 - received Ublish TShirt
Level 4 - Puppis $197 and Cetus (attic) - received $500
Level 5 - Cassiopeia - $400 - received $250
Level 6 - Gemini - $930 - received Random Potion
Level 7 - Cassiopeia $440 and Delphinus $850 - received $600
Level 8 Puppis $197 and Capricornus $540 - received Ublish Book
Level 9 Columba $211
Canis Minor $550 - received $750
Level 10 Puppis $197 and Canes Venatici (had it) - received $850
Level 11 Crater $770 and Horologium $980 - received $1,000
Level 12 Corvus and Circinus (had them)- received Ublish DVD
Level 13 Musca and Circinus (had them) - received $1,500
Level 14 Cygnus and Cassiopeia (had them) - received $2,500
Level 15 Crux and Canes Venatici (had them) - received $5,000
Level 16 Monoceros, Andromeda and Libra (had them) - received $7,500
Level 17 Ara, Carina and Libra (had them) - received DNA Shield
Level 18 Carina, Draco and Columba (had them) - received $10,000
Level 19 Canis Major and Equuleus and Monoceros (had them) - received $25,000
Level 20 Ophiuchus, Dorado and Musca (had them) - received $50,000
Level 21 Pisces and Pictor (had them) - received Ublish Plushie
Level 22 Pictor and Lyra (had them) - received $75,000
Level 23 Octans and Perseus (had them) - received $100,000
Level 24 Phoenix (had it) and Virgo bought for $1,100,000 - received Furry Costume and 'Furry' Hidden Avatar (costume was in SS for $309,000)
Level 25 Antila $355,000 and Pictor (had it) -received $150,000
Level 26 Vela (had it), Scorpius (had it), Aquarius 199,995 - received 250,000 MP
Level 27 Lyra $2,385, Lyra $2,385 and Scorpius $5,997 - received Spear of Ublish
Level 28 Lyra, Perseus and Scorpius (had them) - received 350,000 MP
Level 29 Pavo 1,388, Sagittarius (had it) and Pisces 5,897 - received Xor Trading Card
Level 30 Vela (had it), Apus 6,000 MP and Scorpius (had it) - received Mermaid Huthiq Potion and 500,000MP!! Also Ublish Hidden Avatar - completed September 14, 2009