short version of prologue

15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
21st Jun 2009 11:10i hope ya like my prologue. have fun readin it
???No! Get away,??? the fifteen year old girl, with curly black hair and sky blue eyes, screamed as her bloody feet hit the pavement outside of an unknown neighborhood. Left foot, right foot, left, right, left, right.
???You can run, but you can???t hide,??? an evil voice rang around her. Sounds of snickering was everywhere, but she kept running, in fear of loosing her life.
He has a gun! The girl widened her eyes, feeling a bullet pierce her skin. She started running quicker, but another bullet became lodged in her back, causing her to stumble into a light post. Blinking rapidly, she ran into an alley and into a dumpster.
???Oh come on Jade,??? the voice said right outside the dumpster, ???If your God was real, wouldn???t He have saved you by now? Come out and face your death.???
Jade was breathing heavily into her hand as tears rolled down her face. The pain she thought clenching her teeth. I???m going to???
The dumpster door opened, revealing a nicely dressed man with a kind smile. He helped her out of the dumpster and pushed her, causing her to run.
First bullet, into her right shoulder, second, into her upper thigh. She gasped for air, but it was no use, by the time she started to run again, another bullet lodged itself in her neck.
Jade fell over and her world went black.