Blitzen 2nd Attempt

15 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
27th Jun 2009 22:42First attempt was in 2006. I failed on Level 27. Thanks to Bialas Goals, I'm attempting this mission again.
Level 27: Ghost Knutt Potion (Reward: Ice Avatar and Ice Costume)
Level 28: Yellow Zoink Potion (Reward: 500,000MP)
Level 29: Black Ushundow (Reward: Blitzen Stamp)
Level 30: Leprechaun Tasi Potion
You have 36 minutes to bring me the following items...
Leprechaun Tasi Potion
If you bring them late, I will not accept them!!
Congratulations! You found the 'Blitzen' Hidden Avatar!
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Silver Viotto Potion and 1,000,000MP!!
Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!
July 5, 2009
Avesi has changed into a silver Viotto!
Avesi has put on its new dressing-up costume!