Trading Shop >.<

15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
4th Jul 2009 17:37..:: 's Blog::..
Hi !Welcome to my Trading Shop. 
Hi~! I just like trading that's why I've created this blog. This is
also for like to trade.
>>Click my shop if you would like to buy some things<<
I would like to trade some things. And ask also.. I'll just have to PM. Any way, I'm searching for a good potion worth trading for. I need an awesome potion...
any potion as long as its awesome! XD
I'll trade my rarest items for that
WORTHY potions.

If you want to trade then.. PM me!
If you'll trade me an awesome potion you might get.
1,000 BP and RP
I still don't know how many MP.
I also have rules for this.
*~ Trade fairly.
*~ Don't over price a thing because I know their prices.
*~ Don't be rude.
*~ Tell me if there's a problem.
*~ Don't lie.
*~ NO cheating.
PM me now for your wants also! If you want something that is on my trading list..
[center]TRADING LIST[/center]
Still underconstruction