My Goals and more

17 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
19th Aug 2007 17:17Hello! Im here to tell you about myself! first of all if you need help with ANYTHING, Id be glad to help you out, just give me a maramail!
Name: Beth
Age: 13
Maramail: opened
Marapals: sometimes
Club Invites: closed
Pets: not for trade unless i say they are
My club: if you would like to join the Catz Forever club just maramail me asking for an invite, thanks.
These are my Goals!! Thanks to all who help to accomplish! If you would like to help me complete to get a snookle by donating, please maramail me and you will get an enchanted plushie as your gift.
Get a Limited Edition Pet {X}
Get a Chibs {X}
Get a Snookle { }
Get a Lati {X}
Get a Mordo { }
Get a Sindi { }
Get a Cool Costumed Pet {X}
Get over 1 million marapoints {X}
Get a Love Dress { }
Be in a Good club {X}
Get at least 25 Marapals {X}