My Friends

15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
21st Jul 2009 00:33Scenekitten - My best friend on here and in real life. She rocks, She is really cool, funny and EXTREMELY random. I love spending time with her, we are always doing stuff together. We have a lot in common. Scenekitten You are a truly amazing friend.!!!

Sarcosuchus - She is a really fab friend. She is really funny, cool and great to hang out with : Since i know her in real life. Sarcosuchus YOU ROCK !!!!!

truejackson12 - She is a really cool person, who is really fun to talk too. We have a lot in common and although we don't know eachother really well we are still good friends Truejackson12 YOU ARE REALLY GREAT. !!!

LiCoRiCeThEpRiNcEsS She is so cool and fun to talk to . We have a lot in common. I don't know her really well but we are really good friends. Hopefully If i talk to her a bit more we could be great friends. LiCoRiCe YOU RULE !!!