Checking things out and working on guide...

15 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
26th Jul 2009 14:08I am going through the progress of moving my marapets help guides The Maradan Chronicles to Wikia. I am visiting a lot to gather information.

I also was greeted by this (10 days early too)!:
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 2 Years Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you White Blood!
Thanks for playing Marapets!
If you would like to support marapets and upgrade your account, you can do so here at the Account Upgrades page.
Happy to have been here for this long. I want to say Hi to all my friends! Please forgive me for not taking the time to write to all of you but I have been so busy lately!