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  1. Music+Asia=MY LIFE
    19th Oct 2009 16:38
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. Anime???
    19th Oct 2009 16:21
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. One on One: Demon Wars
    26th Jul 2009 22:07
    15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Staff Do Not Ban Me!
    4th Feb 2009 19:08
    16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  5. One on One: Warriors
    4th Jan 2009 17:13
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. Images and Color
    23rd Dec 2008 22:43
    16 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  7. Am I more boy or girl?
    16th Nov 2008 17:40
    16 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
One on One: Demon Wars
15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
26th Jul 2009 22:07

A Sould Pledged to the Darkness

A contract is created between the two, Human and Demon, to fulfill the desires of the chosen human. In exchange, the soul of the human belongs to the demon for eternity. The only way the two are able to get what is being wished, is for them to win the game, Demon Wars, a game that consist of constant fighting and killing to obtain a rose ring that seals the contract between demons and humans. The winners, who have collected all rings, will have the desired and the demon power over all of the Demon Realm with the humans soul as a slave. The losers of the game will no longer cease exist. Once the contracts have been made, the game shall begin.

Either post here or maramail me if you are interested in doing a one on one for this plot. ^-^

Kalika couldnt hold her anger back. She ran towards his laughing frame and tackled him to the ground, completely forgetting she was in her underwear. She started hitting him on the chest childishly, but tht only made James laugh harder.

"What is so funny?!"

James suddenly got serious and chuckled evilly. He grabbed her waist and pinned her down underneath him.

James had her pinned between his legs and he grabbed the front of her bra.

"This is whats so funny," he said with sudden intensity, pulling on her bra enough to raise her a bit off the ground.

Kalika was flustered; the intensity of his stare had her hypnotized. James put his hands on her shoulder and leaned in close to her ear.

"If you want to win this game, I suggest you stop attacking me, and dress decently or I promise I will make you forget everything in the next couple of hours." He grabbed her hair and pulled her neck to his lip. James kissed it softly and Kalika gasped.

"And I do not mean with violence." James suddenly disappeared and Kalika quickly pulled herself up after she snapped out of her daze. Kalika followed James instructions and put on black jeans, boots and a white tanktop.

James came back in and sat on her bed, smiling.

"From now on, your world is no longer the same. There will be many looking to assassinate you. Thats why you must stay with me at all times. That ring you have on your finger tells others that you are in the game and vice versa. You have to listen to everything I say and maybe I will listen to everything you say."

Kalika thought his words over for a second."So how are you going to stay with me all the time? You dont have an apartment in this you?"

"No, but this bed is big enough for both us. Didnt they teach you to share in kindergarten?"

Kalika gasped and shook her head furiously. There was no way she was going to let him move in.
115 years, 3 months & 12 days ago 29th Nov 2009 14:32
"Why are you even here?" Chinami asked, crossing her legs. She leaned her head against the wall of her bedroom, staring at the ceiling.

"I figured I would have to explain how things will work from now." He voice gained the control he had when they first met. "Once you leave this house today, you will be on guard. How this game works is that any pair that is exterminated is out of the game. The only way to tell if someone is playing 'Eternity' is if they wear the ring you have." Chinami glanced down at her index finger to see the unique pattern of a rose. It wouldn't be too hard to spot someone with a ring like this. "And for you to to be assassinated, I'll have to be with you twenty-four seven. I can't trust you to be well aware of your surroundings." Chinami gave a little snort.

"Don't underestimate me. I know how it feels to be stalked." Acheron raised an eyebrow, but she just smiled back. "I can handle myself pretty well."

"You vermin are always so full of yourselves." Acheron muttered. Chinami continued to keep the smile on her face as she looked through the window. It was officially eight o'clock, a new beginning of life.

Chinami crawled out of her bed, Acheron's eyes on her the whole time. "While I'm getting dressed, you can go check around the area to see if I'm in danger since I'm so full of myself." Acheron sighed, but turned to leave the room. Feeling a bit immature, Chinami stuck her tongue out at his back and then skipped to the bathroom. They both had the feeling that today was going to be a very long day.
115 years, 3 months & 12 days ago 29th Nov 2009 14:06
Kalika decided just to forget about him and go to sleep. If she planned on winning the game, she had to have the strength to fight whatever it was.

James quickly got into his human's apartment building. The game was starting soon and he needed to be with her and give her rules. James had a feeling that it was going to be hard for her to open to him. If they were going to win, they needed to work together.

James entered her apartment and looked around in appreciation. It was a beautiful place; maybe he would secretly sleep there sometime. He heard rustling in the room ahead and he walked quietly towards it. James saw Kalika getting ready to go to bed and decided to give her a shock.

Kalika suddenly felt extremely hot under her big covers. She got up from her bed and took off her clothes, staying in her underwear. Her windows suddenly opened and big gust of air came in; it made it almost impossible to close.

James laughed quietly to himself, enjoying the sight before him. She is definetely athletic, he thought to himself. He decided to make himself known.

Suddenly, the windows closed and Kalika felt something(or rather someone) behind her. She turned around and stifled a scream.


James laughed out loud and realized this game was going to be fun to play after all.
115 years, 3 months & 12 days ago 29th Nov 2009 13:40
A cold hand reached out for the sleeping figure. The touch of cold fingers to Chinami's pale skin awakened her. Startled, she quickly sat up in bed, crawling towards the wall. Then she made out the amused figure standing by her bedside.

"You were breathing so oddly I thought you were dying. Do you tend to have nightmares so often?" Acheron questioned. Chinami's fist tightened around the white sheets.

"Only when I'm remembering you." She snapped. Acheron ignored her comment and glanced out the window. The sun was beginning to rise. This marked the beginning of 'Eternity'. He studied the girl who was wrapped in sheets. Her steady gaze meeting his. Smirking, Acheron realized that they may actually have a chance.
115 years, 3 months & 12 days ago 29th Nov 2009 13:21
Kalika sighed softly as she paced her room. The cut on her left wrist throb slightly and it reminded her of what she had done just a couple of hours before. It didnt bother her; she would be getting the revenge she wanted. What did trouble her, however, was the demon she made the contract with.

She didnt like the way he stared at her; his eyes unnerved Kalika. They were blue with red flecks, and Kalika wasnt sure she would be safe around him.
115 years, 3 months & 12 days ago 29th Nov 2009 13:05
Chinami traced the recent scar on her right wrist. It had left a painful memory of a world where reality did not exist. A world that Chinami never wanted to go back to, but now knew there was no way of avoiding it. One of the several consequences from signing a contract with a demon, and to Chinami???s dislike, flashbacks of the night played in her mind.

Darkness quickly overwhelmed Chinami, taking away any sanity that was left. Chinami searched her surroundings, with a lost expression on her pale face and an empty look in her violet eyes, but could see nothing without light. There was a menacing chuckle that halted Chinami.

???All humans are alike.??? The deep voice seemed to circle around Chinami. ???At first, all they want is to die, but once they find themselves here, the place that allows you to feel exactly as you would if you had ended your life, they grab any chance of survival.??? Chinami didn???t reply. The owner of the voice appeared in front of the fallen figure. He looked down at Chinami, with his cold, blue eyes, studying her. ???I don???t believe you are very different. So what is it human that you wish for? Life or Death????

???I know I am not here because I wanted to die. The idea never appeared to me ???til this moment. I-I believe I am different. My wish does not deal with me wanting to live or die, but something else that requires more than my soul or body???In fact,??? Chinami paused, her weak voice becoming stronger as she gained her confidence back. She picked her self off the ground, facing the demon. ???I???m here to win the demon game known as ???Eternity???.??? The demon smirked at her request.

???So then, I???m assuming you???re trying to bring back a life???? He questioned. Chinami slightly nodded, her light blonde hair shaking. ???Very well then.??? He took her wrist in his hand, cutting away at a small vein with his nail. A similar wound appeared on his right wrist. He held them both up, the cuts almost touching, the blood slipping down the side of their arms. ???You will call me Acheron, and with this, the contract shall be made.??? He tossed his head barely to flip his brown hair a bit out of his eyes. A red ribbon appeared around them, quickly wrapping itself around their arms, their wrists making contact. A rose similar to the color of Chinami's eyes appeared on her index finger. It was the signing of the contract.
115 years, 4 months & 6 days ago 5th Nov 2009 10:48
-Human Form-

Name: Chinami

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blonde hair down to her shoulders, with bangs that sway to the side. Violet eyes, fair skin, slim, strong, and flexible.

Personality: Cautious and always on her guard when around strangers or new places. Calm and kind to those she knows well, other wise cold and sarcastic. Doesn't enjoy being around too many people.

-Demon Form-

Name: Acheron

Age: Looks about 20

Gender: Male

Appearance:Messy, brown hair that falls over his forehead and goes down to his ears. Icy blue eyes, pale skin, muscular body. About 6'1.

Personality: Playful in a rough way. Enjoys teasing, fighting, being mean, and hurting those who are weaker. Doesn't like being around humans and dislikes most demons.

Powers: Is able to kill someone through their dreams or sub-conscious mind. Can control shadows and make them into anything and control them to do whatever. Can erase memories. More that are unnamed.
115 years, 4 months & 7 days ago 4th Nov 2009 15:57
Human Form:

Name-Kalika Danvers



Appearance-Black hair, gray eyes with golden flecks, very athletic-dancer type body. Flexible

Personality-She is very warm with the people she knows but can be very cold-hearted sometimes. Only the people that matter can make her feel guilty. She gets along the most with males.


Name: James


Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes with red flecks, muscular but not overly muscular, dresses well.

Personality: He is very protective over the people he loves(currently he doesn't love anybody because his mate was killed). He's a very fierce fighter.

Powers-Ice, fire, ability to go to any place as long as he has an image on his head. He will develop more powers as he goes on. Carries a sword.

115 years, 4 months & 7 days ago 4th Nov 2009 12:14
Revised Plot
115 years, 4 months & 18 days ago 25th Oct 2009 09:48
A contract is created between the two, Human and Demon, to fulfill the desires of the chosen human. The only way for this to happen is if the two win a game known as 'Eternity.' This is a game that consists of constant fighting and killing of other humans and demons to collect all rose rings worn that seal the contract between the two. The winners will have the desired, demon power over all of the Demon Realm, and the human's soul. The losers of 'Eternity' will no longer cease to exist. Once the contracts have been made, the game shall begin.
115 years, 4 months & 22 days ago 20th Oct 2009 15:00
  1. Music+Asia=MY LIFE
    19th Oct 2009 16:38
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. Anime???
    19th Oct 2009 16:21
    15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  3. One on One: Demon Wars
    26th Jul 2009 22:07
    15 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
  4. Staff Do Not Ban Me!
    4th Feb 2009 19:08
    16 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  5. One on One: Warriors
    4th Jan 2009 17:13
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. Images and Color
    23rd Dec 2008 22:43
    16 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  7. Am I more boy or girl?
    16th Nov 2008 17:40
    16 years, 3 months & 25 days ago