My pets Personalities and likeings.

15 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
31st Jul 2009 20:52Ok,now each one of my pets has their own personalities likeings.So I thought that I'll write them all down here.=)
Aslan_from_tcon likes to go through the portal,and is hopeing to go through the temples.He wants to go through the Transformation temple,and become a Wizard tantua.(If you've seen the movie,TCON,then you'll know that Aslan has 'powers'

And so I am going to build up his magic stats,and he can be,well,a magician!
YvonneM is the smart one.She likes to read and go to school.So she's the one that I send to school and let her most of the books,cds,and dvds.
MichealD likes to eat.So he's my gourmet eating buddy.He would also like to be a millionaire feliz.Or would like a costume if it showed that he liked to eat.
Lioan is the leader and likes to be incharge,but not be bossy.He looks out for the others.So you can always find him at the gym.And maybe even pretty soon,in the battle arena!
Amanda13 likes to sneakk around and spy.(She's a mouse!Even though she cant really 'sneak' on marapets.:/)She loves the forest,and has a good camoflage coat!