Puchalla Bunkin and Hector the Collector (prizes)
15 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
1st Aug 2009 17:251.Village Potato
2.100 mp
3.200 mp
4.Chocolate Teeth
5.250 mp
6.500 mp
7.600 mp
8.Old Jeans Sword
9.850 mp
10.1000 mp
11.1100 mp
12.Puchalla Villagers
13.1200 mp
14.Broken Doll
15.1300 mp
16.1500 mp
17.Old Jeans Shield
18.2500 mp
19.5000 mp
20.10000 mp
21.Bumkin Plushie
22.25000 mp
23.30000 mp
24.Puchalla Costume
25.40000 mp
26.50000 mp
28.75000 mp
29.Book of Bad Smiles
30.Gizmo Potion and 100000 mp
1.Stamp Potato
2.100 mp
3.Stamp Box
4.200 mp
5.250 mp
6.500 mp
7.600 mp
9.850 mp
10.1000 mp
11.1100 mp
12.Stamp Gumball
13.1200 mp
14.Stamp Cake
15.1300 mp
16.1500 mp
17.Stamp Shield
18.2500 mp
19.5000 mp
20.10000 mp
21.Hector Plushie
22.25000 mp
23.30000 mp
24.Detective Costume
25.40000 mp
26.50000 mp
28.75000 mp
29.Book of Stamps
30.Ike Potion and 100000 mp
I dont know the avatars they both get