GRB//: 1000 Grains of Rice!!~NEW PIXEL ADOPTABLES!

15 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
2nd Aug 2009 13:02Okay, so Red and I have created an idea for a new graphics pixel adoptable: a 1000 Grains of Rice (Fon-XD). We will make a small grain of rice as an adoptable and each will have a different costume and name! Our goal is to make 1000 different grains of rice.
Each rice will also have their individual name once sold, so no two rice will have the same name which makes them unique. There will also be one adjective next to his/her name describing their personality (There will be no changing of the name or adjective once given) . We will keep track of our buyers, how much they buy it for, and which rice they adopt. We will make sure that none of the rice are stolen or copied.
Every 100 rice sold, we will create a large auction board on the Graphics forum selling a "/special/, /rare/", rice, too! (Plus first buyer)
Okay, including the graphics, each time we sell a "special" (we'll talk about that more later) grain of rice, we will donate either items or a small percent of the money we made selling them! We will either donate to the Pot of Gold, newbs, or Dream Pet or any other type of fund!
Please help us ! It also helps others, too. Doing a good cause makes you a better person!
1. Angel
2. Musical
3. Cheese
4. Burnt
5. Funky
6. Chocolate
7. Love
8. Seasonal
9. Strawberry
10. Mohawk
11. Starry
12. Alien
13. Blue
14. Devil
15. Green
16. Orange
17. Pink
18. Purple
19. Red
20. Ribbon Rice (Pink)*
21. Ribbon Rice (Blue)*
22. Yellow
23. Camoflauge
24. Checkered Purple
25. Checkered Orange/Red
26. Checkered Yellow/Green
27. Rainbow
28. Ribbon Rice (Red Special x100) **
29. Mario
29. Luigi
31. Cowboy
31. Baby
32. Digital
33. Zombie
34. Millionare
35. Princess
36. Insideout
37. Valentine
38. Sherlock
39. Space
40. Carrot
41. Apple
42. Chef
Specials (<3)
-Yose Orange Party Hat & Balloon/B-Day Orange
-Jiishi Zombeh