My Gallery

15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
13th Aug 2009 22:20what i have in my gallery is not an expensive gallery. their just everything in marapets that look nice to collect. most of the item here i get it myself by restocking, doing mission, goals and quest. this also a place for me to save my items for mision or goals. what i have here is=
minipet food, pearl, gumball,jacket potato, books,cds,dvds, mini[pets,fish,bugs,dna],delicious food/cake, ice schulpture,poop, toys,instrument, cooking ingredient,plushies, photo and etc.
for a month or more my edit gallery is not working so it look so plain and borring. i hope Ian and the staff could fix it soon.

this is the items i still need for gallery=
allen,anjet,anuriah, batz, dasher, erto, mailo, buckaroo, chevron, chook, devil, diamond, efall dino, fawlt, fild, filondor, flaydor, flayee, gazilionaire,gingerbread, gobby, grouchy, hick, james, jezebel, kuork, laiyee, lela, lidge, liiing, lost, lurve, lush, miort, mugen, naoen, napoleon, olvic, peiko, pingi, plug, pinto, plump, plynx,psyclone, pugwash, pumkin, pumpkin ed, punk, reon, rweek, schmog, scrooge, serri, shilpy, snowman, sobek, tinsel, treat, tres, tweblud, ush, valentino, yoop, yule, zax, zound.
most the items is not in ss or over a mill.
i will buy if it's under 100k. except some that i'm trying to get it through mission and goals.
jacket potato=