A Friend Who's Fair

15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
14th Aug 2009 14:36Okay, before you read this blog read "Ten Words that Describe Me," and then you can read this. Okay, now that you know ten things 'bout me, you could probably sum up a brown-headed, stylish, friendly young girl - yep! So just so you know, if you couldn't get that from my first blog, if you need a friend, I'm here. But, if you think just since I'm your friend you can prank me and be mean to my pets and me and curse them - you're wrong. 'Cause I WILL get revenge. But also remember, I can be nice, and mean. SO it's up to you how I act around you! So what have yo learned form this blog?
1. I'll be your friend if you treat me like a friend.
2. I'll get revenge - always.
3. I'll be nice to whoever's nice to me, and mean to whoever's mean to me!
Isn't that A Friend Who's Fair?