if u could do anything wat would you do? Thats how this story begins.Ok just amagine u could do anything but it turns out bad in the end. well thats wat happend to my friend Jill. She wished she could fly but twisted her ankle insted by jumping from trees. My bro wanted to controll chickens but it turns out they control him! lol my other friend Abby wanted to be a monkey but hurt her arm and head... instead. well some things u can't do but i am giving prizes to the top 6 things people would like to do. guess and NO double guessing!
lol, do we win?
115 years, 6 months & 10 days ago 7th Sep 2009 13:14
lol lol to both!
115 years, 6 months & 11 days ago 6th Sep 2009 06:51
i wanted to be an airplane when i was little so i ran around with my arms out and eyes closed and needed 12 stitches in my head
i wanted to open a freeze pop with a box cutting knife when i was little and cut my finger
i wanted to wear a strapless top and when i wore it it fell down in front of a bunch of guys
115 years, 6 months & 12 days ago 5th Sep 2009 16:31
i would love to sing in front of a big crowd, but i faint talking to 10 people
my cat wanted to run up the wall, she did, and needed to go to the vet.
my mom wanted to get some food, but fringde door got stuck, with her hand in it
115 years, 6 months & 12 days ago 5th Sep 2009 05:07