fill this out

15 years, 6 months & 5 days ago
5th Sep 2009 13:50Tiff, you are so _____.
I wish we ______.
Everytime we talk I _______.
When I look at your profile, I feel ________.
When I see you type 'xD' I _______.
I think you are a _______ and a _______.
You remind me of a _________.
I think of you whenever I ________.
When I send you a MaraMail I am filled with ______.
You resemble a _______.
If I compared you to a _______, you would both be _______.
I think you ______ like a _______.
When you ______, I feel _______.
Your pets _____ really _____.
I think you are a _____ and a _____ and I will NEVER ______ you.
But I will ALWAYS ____ you.
And my ____ is _____ than yours.
Post em here xD