Evil Deer Defeated!

15 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
10th Nov 2009 14:02On Tuesday November 10, 2009! Whoo hoo!
I started on Saturday September 5, 2009!
1. Purple Feliz Plushie: 7MP Grint Ice Sculpture: 1MP Prize: Frozen Potato
2. One Slice of Cajun Chicken Pizza: 143MP Prize: 100MP
3. Tub of Vanilla Ice Cream: 18MP Prize: Blitzen T-Shirt
4. Neptune #19: 98MP Prize: 250MP
5. Christmas Tree Yo Yo: 1,446MP Blonde Contact Lenses: 180MP Prize: Ice Potion
6. Arazzi #16: 1,000MP Prize: 500MP
7. Spider Solitaire Chain: 1MP Prize: 600MP
8. Jar of Ghosts: 93,000MP Prize: Blitzen Book
9. Pink Azul Photo: 14,994MP Heart Jelly Terrine: 28MP Prize: 750MP
10. Female Celebrity #16: 1MP Prize: 850MP
11. Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon: 1MP Prize: 1,000MP
12. Skull Cake: 2,956MP Pink Zetlian Potion: 3,995MP Prize: Blitzen DVD
13. Grey Battery: 8,996MP Prize: 1,100MP
14. Female Celebrity #74: 1MP Yellow Tantua Potion: 3,998MP Prize: 1,200MP
15. Yellow Frex: 2,999MP Prize: 2,500MP
16. Paffuto Staff: 473MP Prize: 5,000MP
17. Clocktower Stamp: 5,994MP Prize: Ice Shield
18. Chocolate Mousse Cake: 1,590MP Prize: 10,000MP
19. Simerian Key 6: 68,500MP Prize: 25,000MP
20. Romance in Marada: 3,999MP Prize: 50,000MP
21. Haunted Gumball: 4,299MP Prize: Blitzen Plushie
22. Enchanted Rainbow Zetlian Plushie: 700,000MP Prize: 75,000MP
23. Village Pearl: Someone gave me one (I won't say who so they won't get pestered) but you know who you are. Thanks! ^^ Prize: 100,000MP
24. Year of the Rat: 7,121MP Prize: Blitzen Daggers
25. Witch Jessup Potion: 74,909MP Prize: 250,000MP
26. Hair Dye Shop Stamp: 14,876MP Prize: 350,000MP
27. Female Clothing Shop Stamp: 5,968MP Prize: Ice Costume
28. Blue Phanty Photo: 34,000MP Prize: 500,000MP
29. Black Bolint: 299,000MP Prize: Blitzen Stamp
30. Whipped Ice Cream Cone: 96MP Prize: 1,000,000MP and a Red Viotto Potion!
Spent: 1,354,660MP Earned: 2,373,850MP