17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
31st Aug 2007 12:36OMG I'm so excited! I went to Manpower today and I was placed within an hour with a new job!
I went thinking that all they would do was test my abilities and I'd be on my way to sit at home by the phone waiting for them to tell me where I would be working at. (Manpower it like a temp agency now but with benifits) Anyway I went and the lady that works there Diane, was so nice

I did my typing test (I still suck at spelling) and I got 42 WPM ! I was stunned *but with errors I'm down to biggie but hey least I'm over 20 LOL

* I also do administration examination and made an 86! She said I was best suited for Office administration

so she did some searching told me there's a temp job for 2 weeks with one company and I could get my feet wet there

so on Tuesday I will be temping there so I can get use to things

Once my security refrences clear she wants me placed at the local Bank and work as a teller first and since Manpower here will help their temp employees get courses (thats if you want to advance) I will be doing that as soon as I'm allowed, I think I'll go for either certified accoutant or maybe something else bank related, either way I'd make damn good money. I'm all excited thou

and the biggest beinfit, I can stll play in here when I'm not busy! HEHEHE!