Winter Holiday Break

15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
24th Dec 2009 07:51Heeeeeeey everyone!I'm GigiFasoro12.

Finally it's winter holiday break!I'm so excited.Each year it's always different and better.What else is also new is my club, Marada's Treasures!It's currently under construction kind of but has new exciting events and posts.It hasn't been updated in a while but I'm hoping it will be by a couple of days.But just some heads up,Marada's Treasure is all new Winter Holiday Treasure.We are hosting many new winter filled events and also we are planning to have Marada's Winter Concert.It's a fundraiser and all the money are donations to many different programs in Marapets such as different charities and organizations.

There will be more update on that and I hope you can also join our club and become a member.We need many members in our club to help us!
So this is pretty much it for now.I will put up new updates each time.

P.S We need a special club layout that has some requirements the club would like as in winter holiday theme but ties in with marada.We can negotiate any money you would like and all credits would go to the person in our club.So if you would like to make us a layout,please maramail me so I can be notified.
Tchao and appy Holidays!!!!!!!