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  1. Limited Edition pet prices /with/ costumes
    1st Sep 2007 17:22
    17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
Limited Edition pet prices /with/ costumes
17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
1st Sep 2007 17:22

Limited Edition pet prices /with/ costumes

Angel Poera = 350k
Blue Poera = 100k
Checkered Poera = 5 mil
Cheese Poera = 1.1 mil
Ghost Poera = 150k
Green Poera = 100k
Ice Poera = 800k
Mutant Poera = 500k
Prison Poera = 125k
Red Poera = 100k
Sketch Poera = 140k
Witch Poera = 500k
Yellow Poera = 100k
Zombie Poera = 500k

Black Phanty = 135k
Blue Phanty = 125k
Devil Phanty = 320k
Ghost Phanty = 195k
Green Phanty = 125k
Grey Phanty = 135k
Millionaire Phanty = 650k
Mutant Phanty = 550k
Ninja Phanty = 180k
Orange Phanty = 130k
Pink Phanty = 145k
Princess Phanty = 280k
Prison Phanty = 150k
Purple Phanty = 140k
Red Phanty = 125k
White Phanty = 145k
Witch Phanty = 525k
Yellow Phanty = 125k
Zombie Phanty = 525k

Baby Huthiq = 15.3 mil
Blue Huthiq = 400k
Digital Huthiq = 440k
Gothic Huthiq = 4.4 mil
Green Huthiq = 400k
Mermaid Huthiq = 600k
Mutant Huthiq = 800k
Orange Huthiq = 405k
Plushie Huthiq = 430k
Prison Huthiq = 425k
Purple Huthiq = 415k
Red Huthiq = 400k
Seasonal Huthiq = 12.4 mil
Sketch Huthiq = 445k
Witch Huthiq = 850k
Yellow Huthiq = 400k
Zombie Huthiq = 850k

Black Kronk = 640k
Blue Kronk = 600k
Green Kronk = 600k
Grey Kronk = 610k
Halloween Kronk = 1.9 mil
Mutant Kronk = 1 mil
Orange Kronk = 605k
Pink Kronk = 620k
Prison Kronk = 625k
Purple Kronk = 615k
Red Kronk = 600k
Sponge Kronk = 710k
White Kronk = 620k
Yellow Kronk = 600k
Zombie Kronk = 1.1 mil

Blue Lati = 1.5 mil
Green Lati = 1.5 mil
Love Lati = 5.5 mil
Mutant Lati = 1.9 mil
Prison Lati = 1.5 mil + 25k
Red Lati = 1.5 mil
Yellow Lati = 1.5 mil
Zombie Lati 1.9 mil

Black Mordo = 2.9 mil + 40k
Blue Mordo = 2.9 mil
Devil Mordo = 3.1 mil + 20k
Eleka Mordo = 3.5 mil
Elf Mordo = 3.4 mil
Emo Mordo = 2.9 mil + 44k
Funky Mordo = 3.2 mil
Green Mordo = 2.9 mil
Hobo Mordo = 4.7 mil
Insideout Mordo = 3.1 mil + 50k
Mutant Mordo = 3.3 mil
Pink Mordo = 2.9 mil + 20k
Prison Mordo = 2.9 mil + 25k
Purple Mordo = 2.9 mil + 15k
Red Mordo = 2.9 mil
Royal Mordo = 3.4 mil
Superhero Mordo = 2.9 mil + 75k
White Mordo = 2.9 mil + 20k
Yellow Mordo = 2.9 mil
Zombie Mordo = 3.4 mil + 40k

Angel Chibs = 9 mil
Black Chibs = 3.1 mil + 40k
Blue Chibs = 3.1 mil
Burnt Chibs = 3.1 mil + 20k
Chocolate Chibs = 3.6 mil
Fairy Chibs = 4.6 mil
Furry Chibs = 3.1 mil + 50k
Green Chibs = 3.1 mil
Grey Chibs = 3.1 mil + 10k
Hobo Chibs = 4.9 mil
Millionaire Chibs = 3.7 mil
Mutant Chibs = 3.5 mil
Old Chibs = 6 mil
Orange Chibs = 3.1 mil + 5k
Prison Chibs = 3.1 mil + 25k
Red Chibs = 3.1 mil
Royal Chibs = 3.6 mil
Seasonal Chibs = 15.1 mil
Shaved Chibs = 3.1 mil + 25k
Snow Chibs = 3.2 mil + 45k
Toddler Chibs = 3.2 mil
Water Chibs = 8.1 mil
Yellow Chibs = 3.1 mil
Zombie Chibs = 3.6 mil + 50k

Baby Ercuw = 18.3 mil
Black Ercuw = 3.3 mil + 40k
Blue Ercuw = 3.3 mil
Elf Ercuw = 3.8 mil
Fire Ercuw = 6 mil
Green Ercuw = 3.3 mil
Halloween Ercuw = 4.8 mil
Light Ercuw = 3.8 mil
Mermaid Ercuw = 3.5 mil
Mutant Ercuw = 3.7 mil
Plushie Ercuw = 3.3 mil + 30k
Prison Ercuw = 3.3 mil + 25k
Purple Ercuw = 3.3 mil + 15k
Red Ercuw = 3.3 mil
Stoneage Ercuw = 3.7 mil
Wizard Ercuw = 13.3 mil
Yellow Ercuw = 3.3 mil
Zombie Ercuw = 3.8 mil

Angel Quell = 12.4 mil
Baby Quell = 18.1 mil
Blue Quell = 3.4 mil
Brown Quell = 3.4 mil + 5k
Digital Quell = 3.4 mil + 35k
Fat Quell = 3.5 mil + 50k
Fire Quell = 6.1 mil
Green Quell = 3.4 mil
Grey Quell = 3.4 mil + 10k
Millionaire Quell = 4 mil
Mutant Quell = 3.8 mil
Plushie Quell = 3.4 mil + 30k
Prison Quell = 3.4 mil + 25k
Red Quell = 3.4 mil
Robot Quell = 3.5 mil + 60k
Space Quell = 3.4 mil + 40k
Underwater Quell = 3.7 mil + 50k
White Quell = 3.4 mil + 20k
Witch Quell = 3.9 mil
Yellow Quell = 3.4 mil
Zombie Quell = 3.8 mil + 40k

Blue Sindi = 3.5 mil
Cheese Sindi = 6.5 mil
Funky Sindi = 3.8 mil + 20k
Gothic Sindi = 7.5 mil
Green Sindi = 3.5 mil
Grey Sindi = 3.5 mil + 10k
Love Sindi = 7.5 mil
Mutant Sindi = 3.9 mil
Prison Sindi = 3.5 mil + 25k
Purple Sindi = 3.5 mil + 15k
Red Sindi = 3.5 mil
Rotten Sindi = 3.8 mil + 50k
Shaved Sindi = 3.5 mil + 25k
Superhero Sindi = 3.5 mil + 85k
White Sindi = 3.5 mil + 20k
Yellow Sindi = 3.5 mil
Zombie Sindi = 4 mil + 20k

Black Viotto = 5.5 mil + 40k
Blue Viotto = 5.5 mil
Bronze Viotto = 5.5 mil + 15k
Brown Viotto = 5.5 mil + 5k
Eleka Viotto = 6.1 mil
Gold Viotto = 5.5 mil + 30k
Green Viotto = 5.5 mil
Ice Viotto = 6.2 mil + 25k
Mutant Viotto = 5.9 mil
Prison Viotto = 5.5 mil + 25k
Rainbow Viotto = 12.5 mil
Recycled Viotto = 6.5 mil + 35k
Red Viotto = 5.5 mil
Seasonal Viotto = 17.5 mil
Silver Viotto = 5.5 mil + 10k
Starry Viotto = 9.5 mil
Yellow Viotto = 5.5 mil
Zombie Viotto = 5.9 mil + 60k

Blue Rofling = 11 mil
Brown Rofling = 11 mil + 5k
Green Rofling = 11 mil
Ice Rofling = 11.8 mil + 25k
Mutant Rofling = 11.4 mil
Prison Rofling = 11 mil + 25k
Radioactive Rofling = 11 mil + 25k
Recycled Rofling = 11.1 mil + 37k
Red Rofling = 11 mil
Sketch Rofling = 11 mil + 40k
Space Rofling = 11 mil + 40k
Starry Rofling = 15 mil
Yellow Rofling = 11 mil
Zombie Rofling = 11.5 mil + 10k

Blue Yuni = 12 mil
Green Yuni = 12 mil
Insideout Yuni = 12.2 mil + 45k
Mutant Yuni = 12.4 mil
Prison Yuni = 12 mil + 25k
Red Yuni = 12 mil
Toddler Yuni = 12.1 mil
Yellow Yuni = 12 mil
Zombie Yuni = 12.4 mil + 90k

wow it would of tooken alot of time to do this it looks like really hard work ur hands must of been sore but good thing u put in the chibs bit i love chibs they r my fav.from rabbitelle
115 years, 2 months & 24 days ago 21st Dec 2009 23:41
115 years, 4 months & 22 days ago 24th Oct 2009 21:32
  1. Limited Edition pet prices /with/ costumes
    1st Sep 2007 17:22
    17 years, 6 months & 14 days ago