My Trading Rules...

17 years, 6 months & 24 days ago
1st Sep 2007 19:331. NO JUNK OFFERS!
2. Your offer must be worth or higher what I have up for trade
4. No sob stories
5. Don't keep offering if I reject you more then twice
6. I may seperate an item into a different trade depending on what your offer is, maramail me about that stuff
7. Marapoints are mostly prefered over items but it depends on what is in my wish list
8. Don't even try to mess with the trade and jinx the site get 2 of the stuff
9. You must be fair
10. Don't spam me or report me if I don't accept your offer.
These rules are for a reason follow them or I will never accept a trade offer of yours. I'm not trying to come off rude, so follow the rules and everything will be fine simple as that. Thanks