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  1. .goals.
    6th May 2010 05:01
    14 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  2. Bored?!
    6th Jan 2010 03:45
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  3. .got anything to say?
    2nd Oct 2009 01:42
    15 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  4. .note to staff.
    13th Sep 2009 03:56
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago
15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
6th Jan 2010 03:45

Why do we feel bored?

If I will ask this to another person, he will answer, ???Of course. Because there is nothing to do.???

And I???ll shout right in front of his face, ???You???ve got nothing to do!? Why nothing? You can breathe, drink, eat, study, clean, jump from a building or kill yourself. But nothing to do? How????

Weird, but true. I said only a few of the things which would give us something to do.

There are a lot of things to do in this lifetime. Why nothing to do? Why bored?
This question lingered inside my head for a pretty long time. I'd always feel dry and bored. Like there is nothing productive to do but sit idle and wait for the sky to fall. In my head, I was thinking, ???What the hell am I going to do? Everywhere I look I see nothing I can do.???

But while my head was shouting its complaints, my school works and a pile of chores are waiting in my room.

I wondered. ???Why am I feeling bored when I have a lot of things waiting for me to finish them????

My answer came to me.

I was sitting in front of the computer. My answer. The reason is my computer.

Weird right?

But that is really the reason why I am feeling bored. Because I was playing the computer. But whenever I got tired of playing computer, I will not stand from the computer seat. I will wait and wait until something good happens. Bottomline, I just sit for hours. Result? A wrong utilization of my time.

Now do you see the problem of boredom?

I used the computer as my example because the computer is my vice. Whenever there are no classes, Computer is my only retreat from the everyday school life. A therapy to soothe the stress.

But that is my problem. There are a lot of things to be done, but I would still stay on my seat. And I would feel bored, when at that time I should not be for I have a heavy load of things to finish.

This is our problem.

In truth, we do not feel bored. We should not. But we make boredom an excuse from our stressful lives. There are a lot of things to do. In the back of our complaining minds, there are a lot of things to do, but we only think of it as a burden to our lives. So we get stuck with the things that we want to do. Because there is something we do not want to do.

In the movie ???Knowing??? a character said, ???People see what they want to see.???

In the boredom situation, ???People do what they want to do.???

When they do not like doing something, they will not do it. So they do something that they want to do. To make a gateway, an escape from a burdening task.

I don???t like studying, I get weary of it very quick. So even if there are a lot of studying to do, still I do not study.(That was a long time ago Ok?)

I like using the computer. So when there is a chance, I play it. But when I get tired of it, I never leave it until my time runs out. When time passes by so uneventfully and nothing happens, I feel bored. And I always feel that way in the past.

See the connection? People would do the things they want to do. For me it???s the computer, for others a cellphone, or whatsoever. But even if there are a lot of things they need to do, they stuck themselves into their vices because they want an excuse to not do what they need to do. They only do what they want to.

And that is it. Boredom is just an excuse.

So when they feel tired of their want, they trap themselves in the cage of boredom and serve it as an excuse. And in the process, wasting some of their precious time. Effect, they complain and complain. And the results of this is not good for us. Most likely for children our age.

So we must prevent ourselves from feeling bored.

There are a lot of things to do in our lifetime. In this lifetime, everything is an opportunity to do something productive.

Idle air presents an opportunity to breathe.

Stagnant water presents an opportunity to boil the liquid and drink. Or bathe. Or water the plants. Or wash dishes(unfortunately).

In every dusty surface, there is a chance to dust it and put Pledge on it. Haha!

God installed an opportunity in every domension of his artwork. So let us utilize these dimensions and make our lives not boring.

Grab the opportunity God gave us. Do not trap ourselves in the petty prison of our vices.

Let us be more open to positive alternatives on spending our time.

You have no right to be bored. We have no reason to be.

God made us busy.

I think we really should be. A long time ago.


Just remembered, I need to finish my Home Ed. project.
115 years & 1 day ago 12th Mar 2010 22:56
Your so wise.
115 years & 9 days ago 5th Mar 2010 03:03
115 years & 29 days ago 12th Feb 2010 22:26
Gee, it's long but great
115 years & 1 month ago 10th Feb 2010 22:05
I'm never saying "I'm bored" ever again.
And if my friends every say it I'm going to have to recite this to them

115 years & 1 month ago 10th Feb 2010 09:10
Woah, this truly changed my life! Never again will I say I am bored. I will be busy.
115 years, 1 month & 6 days ago 4th Feb 2010 20:22
  1. .goals.
    6th May 2010 05:01
    14 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  2. Bored?!
    6th Jan 2010 03:45
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  3. .got anything to say?
    2nd Oct 2009 01:42
    15 years, 5 months & 10 days ago
  4. .note to staff.
    13th Sep 2009 03:56
    15 years, 5 months & 29 days ago