My trading Guide lines, read in full!

17 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
3rd Sep 2007 10:41Getting tired of sob stories, and stupid offers of 100 Mp, a rotten potatoe and a plead of PLEASE...on a 3 million MP item.
So here are a few guidelines to go buy when trying to get a trade from me.
1. If it says PURE this means ONLY that particular currency is what I am looking for and IN FULL
so if it says 2.9 mill MP I WANT 2.9 mill MP not a rotten potatoe and 20K in bp
2. K MEANS 1000 (thousand) so 200K means 200 thousand! or 200,000 Got it ...
3. If I am requesting an item of a particular theme/color ect...ONLY that item will get you the item I am swaping for.
4. NO junk offers... it will be rejected...
5. NO PLEASE...offers... it will be rejected.
6. Do NOT mail me saying how mean I am or telling me, that item is ONLY..(incert price here) I DO NOT care what you have to say about the prices, I can sell for what I want, and if your quoting prices from the main site search and not the fourms then I really don't want to hear it LOL... this place is a sellers market for items that are "in demand" even if they are cheap if they are in demand they get more expensive.
7. I will add more as I see fit for now...just bid what I ask...if you don't like it tough, try and find it cheaper elsewhere...