Loves Embrace

17 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
5th Sep 2007 19:14Loves Nightmare
The love of this world flies blind in an empty sky,
all of which has become sullied more
and as we get the same reaction in yet another town
I can still hear the sound of the trigger being pulled
It's the sound that's fueling those nightmares
What your hoping for is something i always fail at
even when you cheer me up the future is to close to ignore
I can only try to surpress it for the sake of sweeter dreams
soaking in this mood even at your bedside
In your arms everything slips into place
In the dead of night
I use any means to make you laugh
Dismiss your fears
Embrace like this can only help so much
If only i new what else to do
I couldnt even wake you all i could do was watch
Listen in the night to each of your screams
A memory that keeps coming back
Unconcious as it runs recklessly deeper
Were like a pair of weeping children embracing in the night
For however long it takes
Doing what we can to postpone sleep and the trials that come with it
Surley there are far worst ways to watch another evening creep by while im with you