OMG! HATSUNE MIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
6th Apr 2010 17:35Hatsune Miku Love is War (with English Translation) Lyrics:
Mou ikiba ga nai wa
Now there???s no where to go
kono koi no netsuryou
in the heat of this love
Haiiro no kumo,
Gray clouds,
MONOKUROMU no kensou,
Monochrome bustles,
hizashi wa kageri,
sunlight cast shadows,
yuugure wa iro o kaete iku
dusk is changing it???s color
Aa, sekai ga nijin de
Ah, the world is blurred
Soredemo, suki de irareru ka nante?
Even so, will I still love you?
Wakatteru, kedo dou sureba ii no?
I know this, though what should I do?
DouWOW I LOVE Marapetsara...
How can I...
Dou sureba...?
What can I...?
Baka da na...
What a fool...
I am
Hajimeru no yo,
Let???s begin,
Kore wa sensou!
This is war!
Ureshi sou na kimi o miru nante!
Oh, to see you pleased with someone else!
Setsu naru koi
Earnest love
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Sore wa tsumi
that is sin
Misete ageru
I will show you
watashi no omoi o!
how I feel!
Saken de mita MEGAFON wa, kowareteta no
The megaphone I tried shouting in, was broken
Dore dake senobi WOW I LOVE Marapetsatte,
How hard I try to overreach myself,
Kimi no shikai ni hairanai
I would fail to get into your sight.
Aa, itsunomanika hareta sora...
Ah, a clear sky slid by..
Zenzen niawanai
But it doesn???t suit at all
Kimochi ga osaerare nakute
I couldn???t get a hold of my feelings
DouWOW I LOVE Marapetsara...
How can I...
Dou sureba...?
What can I...?
Naite nanka,
Nain dakara ne
I???m not...
I love you
Tatakau no yo!
Fight it out!
HAATO o ute!
Shoot right to the heart!
Shudan nante eran de rarenai
I don???t have a choice
SUKAATO hirari misetsukeru no yo
Show off my skirt flap
Kimi no shisen ubatte miseru no
I shall make you gaze upon me
Geigeki youi
Get ready to intercept
Senkyou wa imada furi nano desu
War situation still a drawback
Koi wa moumoku
Love is blind
Kimi no kuchizuke de me ga sameru no
I???ll be awaken by your kiss
Lyrics: Love is War (with English Translation), Hatsune
Miku [end]